Ideas for Arc XP

Make horizontal rule display as a full line in Ellipsis Compose screen

When you add a horizontal rule in Ellipsis, please make a full-width line appear in the Compose screen. If you accidentally add a horizontal rule instead of a dash, it looks exactly like a dash in the compose screen, you don't recognize that it's actually a horizontal line. 

  • Emily Babay
  • Apr 25 2019
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Jessica Parks commented
    10 Jul, 2019 04:46am

    Hi Angela.  The divider element is a welcome addition, but it doesn't solve the original problem Emily referenced in this Feature Request. 

    In the Symbols menu, there is still an em dash that looks exactly like a horizontal rule, and they are directly adjacent to each other.  So it's still going to be prone to users clicking the wrong button, and you still can't see in draft mode that you have entered an <hr> instead of a -- .  Can you please resolve that problem as well?

    (In case it matters: We may end up keeping the symbols-menu <hr> as one divider element and and use the divider for a slightly different type of divider.  ex: make one a full-width black line and the other a centered section break symbol such as ********** ).  Thanks.

  • Deleted User commented
    9 Jul, 2019 07:21pm

    Hi all, Ellipsis has added support for an explicit horizontal-rule solution in the UI, starting in the release that went to customer sandbox in the afternoon. It will go to production next Tuesday.

    This is supported through a new divider content element which represents a visual divide in the story. The release notes contain technical documentation for the divider element, so rendering teams should be set for development.

    General and technical documentation for divider:

    Release notes:

  • Deleted User commented
    11 May, 2019 10:23pm
    Hello, we plan on adding horizontal rule as a content elements. Stay tuned!