Ideas for Arc XP


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SB-I-144 Do not create a new revision if user only looks at story without making change (or create way to open story read-only.

Read Only in Ellipsis Merged

Not sure if this is captured anywhere already, but just in case:

Clients would like a Read Only mode in Ellipsis, so they can read a file without actively being in it. This should function similarly to the read only ability when someone is already in a file.

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  • Nov 29 2018
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Categories User Workflow
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    Lawrence Tsai commented
    12 Jun, 2020 02:20pm

    Hi Lynda! Thank you for the feedback. And you are correct. I linked the wrong idea. I meant to link this one:

    Looks like the problem statement is the same. I am going to merge the ideas then. Thank you!

  • Lynda Finley commented
    12 Jun, 2020 02:04pm

    Isn't this ticket SB-I-92? It relates to the multiple tickets on proper versioning - every time you launch a composer file it creates a new "version" and even if you don't save it creates that version. This is unneccessary, confusing and makes it even harder to figure out what happened in each "version" when we need to track thru for a legal or editing issue.

  • Admin
    Lawrence Tsai commented
    11 Jun, 2020 08:53pm

    Hi Lynda - no specific date on this yet unfortunately. But did want to understand the problem you are facing to require a "read-only" mode. Is it the same problem outlined in this idea: Thanks!

  • Lynda Finley commented
    25 Mar, 2020 09:51pm

    This status says Planned - any update on a date it would be available?