Is there any documentation about Fusion's Webpack configuration? It would be nice if the configuration was at least made available in a read-only way so that developers are aware of what it's doing.
I'm hoping that we'll be able to create Webpack module resolution aliases? We're compiling Sass from an NPM package and some of it contains file paths like this: background-image: url("~patterns/images/play-button.svg"). Webpack is unable to resolve the SVG file path but we could solve the problem by adding an alias like this: resolve.alias["~patterns"] = "node_modules/tgam-patterns/patterns";
This would be awesome. Please, let us do this. The Webpack setup is not extensible whatsoever. This is really sad, because React has so much optional tooling and developer tools. We can't really use all the tools we want to without some jenky pre-Webpack processing. One of the organizational benefits of using something like React is being able to leverage community resources... as it stands, we can't really do that to the full extent.
I'm hoping that we'll be able to create Webpack module resolution aliases? We're compiling Sass from an NPM package and some of it contains file paths like this: background-image: url("~patterns/images/play-button.svg"). Webpack is unable to resolve the SVG file path but we could solve the problem by adding an alias like this: resolve.alias["~patterns"] = "node_modules/tgam-patterns/patterns";
> We understand the need for this request but we are not planning to make this info available in near future due to technical considerations.
:( Please let us add Webpack loaders.
This would really help the DMN and we've been asking about this for months.
This would be awesome. Please, let us do this. The Webpack setup is not extensible whatsoever. This is really sad, because React has so much optional tooling and developer tools. We can't really use all the tools we want to without some jenky pre-Webpack processing. One of the organizational benefits of using something like React is being able to leverage community resources... as it stands, we can't really do that to the full extent.
We are exploring options to simplify/streamline the way we leverage webpack and the outcome of this will also result in better webpack documentation