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Add checkPropTypes function to @arc-fusion/prop-types

Arc's @arc-fusion/prop-types overrides/extends the standard React prop-types module to add Arc-specific custom types. However, rather than extending the existing checkPropTypes function that exists in the standard React prop-types module to handle Arc's custom types, @arc-fusion/prop-types simply excludes this function entirely:

const isPropTypeSelfRef = (key) => ['PropTypes', 'checkPropTypes'].includes(key)
const ignorePropTypeSelfRefs = (key) => !isPropTypeSelfRef(key)
const FusionPropTypes = Object.assign(
map(key => ({ [key]: taggable(PropTypes[key], key) })),

This present a problem when using other libraries that use the prop-types module and expect the checkPropTypes function to exist. For example, when I try to use the Downshift library, I get this error:

Uncaught TypeError: prop_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4___default.a.checkPropTypes is not a function
validatePropTypes downshift.esm.js:3125
useCombobox downshift.esm.js:3257
Autocomplete default.jsx:20
React 16
render index.js:55
EventListener.handleEvent* index.js:80
js react.js:984
__webpack_require__ react.js:20
<anonymous> react.js:84
<anonymous> react.js:87

I would like the arc-fusion/prop-types module to extend the checkPropTypes function so that it is compatible with other third party libraries that expect it to exist and function as intended.

  • Lowell Kissling
  • Feb 23 2021
  • Future consideration
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    • Sean Shannon commented
      March 02, 2021 20:11

      Thanks for this suggestion! We'll definitely look into adding this functionality for our prop-types package, as we want to keep the API surface as similar to the original PropTypes package as possible.