Ideas for Arc XP

Dont automatically deduce language setting, make it configurable

Currently the language setting for pagebuilder (and other arc products) is automatically deduced by browser settings.

This makes it more difficult for multi language teams to communicate.

e.g. during a call:

"yeah, you just have to click on the publish button"

"i dont have a publish button..."

(because its named "veröffentlichen" for german settings)

In addition at least for germany, most people also use english vocabulary for specific IT related things.

  • Bran Kohlschreiber
  • Oct 1 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Amy Bertram commented
    12 Oct, 2021 09:37pm

    Thanks for your feedback! Implementing a language global setting within the app versus using browser settings to determine language is something we will certainly consider for our roadmap.