Ideas for Arc XP

Enable Tansa (spellchecker) on headline and all other reader-facing fields

Our internal spellchecker, Tansa, scans the body of the story for spelling and style errors.  Omitting the headline field from this check leads to frequent and embarassing errors.  Please enable Tansa (and other spellcheckers) to detect ALL reader-facing fields, including headline and description

  • Jessica Parks
  • Aug 16 2019
  • Planned
Categories Editor
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    11 Oct, 2022 09:08am

    Hi - now that spellcheck/proofing has been added for headlines and subheadlines fields in Prolexis, can you please accelerate the integration for Tansa. Do you have an update of when this will be complete and rolled out? Aug 2019 is a long, long time ago. As I posted previously, Tansa are ready to work with Arc on this

  • Guest commented
    8 Jul, 2022 02:15pm

    Hi - is there any update on this. My understanding following recent engagement with Tansa, is that they are ready to whatever is necessary to get this working. As @ Jessica Parks says, the oversight of not including headlines/subheads in spellcheck leads to errors.
    Please accelerate the progress on this