Ideas for Arc XP

Remove case-sensitivity for tags

Our brands are having some difficulty categorizing their content by tag after learning that tags are case-sensitive in the Arc Tag Service.
We ported to Arc last year, and our old system was not case-sensitive when assigning tags. For example, both 'Animals' and 'animals' would be searchable by going to

There is currently a lot of important content going out about the Coronavirus, and our teams are finding that everything is being separated out- for example, /tags/coronavirus vs. tags/Coronavirus, or /tags/COVID-19 not resolving as /tags/covid-19.

Is there any way to rectify this? Even if it was across the board for all URLS, we would entirely prefer URLs to not be case-sensitive as it causes 404s.

  • Kayla Lockwood
  • Mar 23 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Lawrence Tsai commented
    March 27, 2020 20:40

    Hi Kayla - Thanks for your idea! After speaking with the team, this should be moved to the workspace "Publishing Platform". I've made the adjustment. Thanks!