Ideas for Arc XP

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Ability to add story tags via Circulate feature

As the circulate feature is still under development I want to make sure that this is documented as an important feature request from our multi-site teams.

When circulating content and adding my website to content that I don't own, I need the ability to add my site's custom tags so that the content can display on my website in a specific location that is powered by a tags or be shared properly with RSS feeds that power social media.

User circulating should be able to add to their own story tags, but not remove story tags. All story tags should merge together on the original document in composer and in the API.

  • Sara Skinner Cole
  • Apr 13 2020
  • Future consideration
Categories User Workflow, New Functionality
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    • Sara Skinner Cole commented
      April 13, 2020 20:55

      Thanks, Ryan. We’re providing our feedback early that this is an urgent need for our business. I understand that it won’t be there for the first delivery, but we are requesting this as a fast follow. Thanks.

    • Admin
      Ryan Gladstone commented
      April 13, 2020 20:31

      Hi Sara,

      Thanks for submitting this idea.

      The request is definitely on our radar but is not included in the initial scope for Circulate. We'll revisit it once Circulate is available and we get feedback on the user experience.

