Ideas for Arc XP

Permanently dismiss Primary Website prompt

When you don't set a Primary Website on your profile, every time you open the new Circulation experience in Composer or Photo Center you are prompted to set your primary website, or "remind me later". For those customers who service multiple sites and do not have a "primary site" choosing a default site adds steps to our workflows, as does dismissing the prompt every time.

Adding a button or link to "Do not remind me again" would save clicks and preserve workflows for customers who do not need or want a primary website.

  • Brian McAlister
  • Feb 28 2023
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Carlos Manuel Santafe commented
    9 Mar, 2023 10:20pm
    Hello, it would be good if the presentation changes do not affect the user experience since it denotes more complex and more clicks within the process.
  • Jenny Czaja commented
    3 Mar, 2023 10:25pm

    This is very helpful, thank you! We'll look into making this easier to dismiss, but in the meanwhile one way to get it to go away for good is to pick a primary website for a website you circulate to frequently.