Ideas for Arc XP

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From Websked story view, allow user to remove or reposition that story in its collection

As a producer, I add stories to collections to feature them in a certain module on the homepage or section fronts.  We add dozens of stories a day to each collection, so the collections get very long.  If there is a story in the collection from a week ago or a month ago that I want to return to the top of the collection, the only way to do so is to find it in the collection list and drag it all the way up.

It would be easier if I could open the story itself in Websked, and from there:

  • A) Remove it from the collection (after which I could re-add it)
  • B) Specify that story's rank in the collection (i.e. it is currently at #402 in the collection, change to position 1 to move it to the top)


  • Jessica Parks
  • Jan 2 2019
  • Shipped
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    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      April 28, 2022 16:41

      Good afternoon. We have completed the work on this feature. We are making it available in Sandbox on May 2, 2022 and in Production on May 9, 2022.



    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      April 06, 2022 19:12

      Hello! We have begun work on the following the following capabilities:

      • Remove a story from a Collection

      • Place a story at the top or the bottom of a Collection from within the Story Preview page.

      - Stuart