Ideas for Arc XP

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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WS-I-246 Allow users to schedule a publication time/date for Collections.

Schedule Collection Publishing Merged

As editors, we would like to schedule the publishing of a collection for a concrete time. That will be really useful to edit pages as homepage or other areas of our site, for example, in early morning.

  • Sergio Rodríguez
  • Dec 3 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    July 11, 2022 19:10

    Hi Sergio and Natalie,

    Thanks for sharing the details of this idea. I have closed it, though, since it duplicates WS-I-246. Please track the progress of the idea there.

    Product Manager for WebSked

  • Natalie Mugavero commented
    March 23, 2022 11:18

    Definitely need this within our business as well! Another use case we have is over the holiday period when our office closes.

    We don't want stale content on our homepage for the two weeks our office is closed, but also don't want members of our team to have to log on during this period.

    I note that similar idea has also been posted on the portal previously:

    Any idea on timing for this feature?