Ideas for Arc XP

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View tasks by start/end date

Hi ARC friends, 

First off, here is our use case: 

We are thinking to use the Websked task mechanism to do our photo assignment once we migrate to ARC. Our photo editors would like to see what's going on on a given date. For example, they may want to inspect who will be out shooting tomorrow, or next Monday, so they can better allocate resources. This has been an existing feature in our current photo assignment&archiving system, SCC. And we wish there's a way to do that in ARC as well. 

As of now, we can order the tasks by chronological order. But if the assignment/task is scheduled to happen in a few days, it's not very easy for us to find it in the long list of tasks.

In Websked, Stories can be filtered by start date and end date. We would like that feature to be available in Tasks as well. 



EZ from the Tampa Bay Times. 

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      Stuart Ridgway commented
      October 17, 2022 21:17

      Hi all,

      Yes, we hare several improvements planned for the Task pages, including giving you more control over how you filter and sort tasks.

      Please reach out to your account manager if you would like to discuss other improvements you'd like to suggest for Tasks.

      Sr. Product Manager for WebSked

    • Sandra Brown commented
      July 09, 2020 16:43

      Is there any progress on this idea? We are migrating to ARC and I see some of the same photo assignment/editing issues. We've talked to other news organizations who are using ARC and their photo teams do not use your system because of these issues.

    • Guest commented
      July 08, 2019 15:41

      I somehow accidentally posted this to Anglerfish. But I meant to post it to Websked. I'll repost there. Is there a way to delete this one?