Ideas for Arc XP

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Allow for new tasks to be associated with an existing piece of content

When it comes to using Task Templates in WebSked, generally speaking, these tasks are "pulling" in nature. For example, I'm an author and I need help creating a gallery, filming some video, or getting a translation for my story. I create a task, using a Task Template, to pull attention and resources to my piece of content. I've created my story and I'm adding tasks to it from with Composer or WebSked.

Increasingly, WebSked users are looking for ways to make Task Templates somewhat more "push" in nature. Some common use cases for this would be creating a story assignment from within WebSked and "pushing" it to the author in question. In this case, as they currently exist, there is no way for the author to associate the story assignment task created for them with the story they write. We are unable to associate a task that is created independently of a story with that story. Another use case might be creating a gallery in Photo Center or uploading a video in Video Center and allowing the content creators to suggest or append this content to an existing story. ("Hey there! I saw your story on the Olympic Village - you may want to consider including this video montage I created.)

Making Task Templates available in all content authoring apps and allowing users to append a task to a piece of content (when the task creation predates the story creation) could open some new possibilities for how users communicate and collaborate within WebSked and Arc.

  • JoAnn Debo
  • Jul 2 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Jenny Czaja commented
      July 09, 2021 16:02

      Thank you JoAnn! We're about to begin a period of reimagining our task flow, and this is a helpful use case to consider for the future.