Ideas for Arc XP

Feedback on new Tasks page

Hi. The Tasks page recently saw an update that changed it significantly.

We have received feedback from our Editorial department. In a related ticket, I was urged to share here.

I realize this is a lot, but hopefully feedback is welcomed on such a major update.

Thank you.

1. We need to be able to Edit Task from the task list. Clicking on the task, then clicking Edit Task at the top right to assign it to someone, then going back to the task list, takes more time and clicks and it’s inefficient. We used to assign the tasks or adjust the priority directly from the task card in the list.

2. Can there be a setting to adjust what columns are visible in the task list, or can we edit the width of the columns? People working on laptops can’t see all the columns, particularly the ones crucial for slotting like Assigned to. The only way to see them is to zoom out, and that makes it harder to see everything else!

3. Can word count/line count be added to the task list? I see one task currently that shows the word count and the fact it’s under the assigned length, which is interesting. Is the plan to show when something is over assigned length too? If that were the case, we’d need to see line count too, not just word count.

4. We miss the ability to just keep scrolling down the list. Having to click to see the next screen after the first 20 tasks isn’t as convenient. Maybe increase the number of tasks visible in a screen to 50?

5. When we Edit Task, the menu is too long to fit on the screen so we have to scroll down to see the Update Task button. Would be nice if that were higher to avoid the scrolling.

6. Would it be possible to delete a task from the main task list, instead of having to click into the individual task, then click on the ellipsis with the delete/duplicate task options?

7. Similarly, we used to be able to set the task’s priority just by right-clicking on the task card and setting it to Low, Medium or High. This is taking a lot more clicks to go to the individual task, hit Edit task and then update it with the new priority.

8. In the minimized version of the task list (when you’ve clicked the minus sign under All content on the left), it’d be really helpful if there were a way to display the story slug too. We’re very inconsistent about putting headlines on stories while they’re still being edited, so if you don’t have the list set to see all the details in the task card (with the plus under All content), you’ll just see a bunch of tasks that say “Globe edit: TK” and it’s impossible to know which stories they belong to.

9. Is it necessary to see the photo preview in the expanded task list? It seems to be slowing down the load time of the list. When it’s minimized, it loads much quicker.

  • Steven Proceviat
  • Sep 1 2023
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  • Steven Proceviat commented
    May 02, 2024 20:01

    Hi, Stuart. Just wanted to say that these additions, noted below, have been welcomed by our editing team. They are very happy. Just wanted to say thanks.

  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    May 02, 2024 19:53

    We have included additional flexibility for viewing and updating the list of tasks:

    • There is now an ellipsis on the right-hand side of the card that enables you to quickly Edit task, Delete task, or Copy task ID

    • Selecting Edit task opens the Edit Task window so you can update the priority of the task or reassign it

    • When creating or updating a task the Cancel and Update buttons stick to the bottom of the screen, so you don’t need to scroll to access them

    • The main Task page now shows 25 tasks per page instead of 20

  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    September 12, 2023 15:20

    Hi Steven,

    Thanks very much for putting together the feedback and posting it here. I'm happy to discuss all of this further with you, but let me address what I can here.

    1. I have a future update that will enable you to update the Priority, Due Date, Task Status, and Assigned to right from the card. That should help streamline the process, but it's a bit of a ways out.

    2. I also have an update in the works for when someone closes the filter drawer on the left it stays closed until they reopen it. That will give them additional space for another column or two.

    3. Today, you can see the Word Count, Character Count, and Inch Count if you open of the content card under a task and the associated planned counts have been set. You can also see if any of those counts have gone over.

    4. We're balancing page performance vs. scrolling. We may decide to implement infinite scrolling, but that has it's own considerations.

    5. I'm afraid that's a problem with forms in general. Hopefully when we implement #1 above that will relieve your teams from having to go into the form a lot.

    6. We intentionally placed the Delete button out of the way since it generally doesn't get much usage and takes up a lot of valuable real estate

    7. Agreed, hopefully #1 above will address that

    8. and 9. I have a long term plan to enable administrators to choose what information is shown on the content card. Ideally you can choose/minimize the amount of information on the content card so you can leave them open and efficiently have the information at once.

    I hope this clarifies a few things. Again, I appreciate the feedback and am happy to discuss any of this further.


    Sr. Product Manager for WebSked