Ideas for Arc XP

When cropping in Anglerfish, make width and height editable fields

In Anglerfish when you crop an image, you can set the ratio but the width and height boxes are not editable.  The resizer handles resizing of images for prescribed locations on the site, but it does not work for shrinking embedded images.  We have encountered several instances where we wanted to manually set an image (a graphic, for example) to be a certain width or height. 

Since the fields are already there, and the crop is already going to be a derivative of the original image, why not just make those fields open to the user?

  • Jessica Parks
  • Dec 17 2018
  • Needs more information
  • Attach files
  • Paul Beaudry commented
    July 13, 2022 20:39

    I agree with Jessica. Too often, someone puts an extremely large photo into a post. You don't want to crop it, but you do want to reduce the size of the photo in order to cut down the size and save on the load time.
    You don't need a 3133x2254 photo in a post, but dropping the longest size to 800-1200 to reduce on load time (especially on featured images) would be swell.

  • Admin
    Lawrence Tsai commented
    July 16, 2021 19:43

    Hi Jessica -

    Thank you for submitting this and for the lack of an updated response on this idea.

    If I'm understanding your ask correctly, you want to be able to manually edit the height and width of the crop box. A feature for that ask does already exist, although you won't be able to manually type in a figure as your idea description states. Instead, if you choose "free" as your aspect ratio, you can freely drag either the height or the width of the crop box (without affecting the other):

    Additionally, even with an aspect ratio selected that isn't "free", you can also adjust either the height or the width by dragging the crop box. However, if you adjust height, the width will auto-adjust to keep the ratio (and vice versa).

    Please let me know if the above meets the needs of the problem you're facing. If not, happy to revisit with you.



  • Deleted User commented
    January 03, 2019 20:26

    Looking into this!