Your stated reason for these templates is "These templates control which fields are required to be filled out and also permit the setting of defaults."
You cannot configure the "Type" settings other than the required fields - you cannot specify default values for fields, for example. So If you create a Template using the Photograph Type as the base and define default values for some of the fields -- when the user goes to upload an image they are presented with Photograph (default), which you do not want them to pick and the real Template which you must label something like "use this one and not the other one" and hope the user picks the right one. This mixing of a type and a template defeats the purpose of being able to define a template. Same for Graphic and Illustration - you end up with the one labeled (default) that you don't want users to pick and the template you do want them to use.
Thanks Lawrence, this definitely looks like it solves the problem from our perspective.
That makes sense. It doesn't really matter for us - they are all jpgs.
Yes, photograph image type would be the default or fallback, if you do not create any templates. if you find that you need to use graphic or illustration as an image type, we ask that you create a custom template. We believe for some orgs, the image type distinction is not important. Curious to hear your thoughts on it for your org. Thanks!
I think the breadcrumbs are fine - after all, if there isn't a template then the default is Photograph, right? How would you choose an graphic or illustration then?? Is that important? I'm not sure.
Hi Lynda - Thanks for your feedback! You nailed it..that was exactly the difficult part about thinking through this design.
As an admin, if you do not create a template under the specific image type(s), we automatically turn it off for you. If you do not create any custom templates, we will automatically default to image type "Photograph" and users will completely skip the template selection screen. We make users aware of that through the breadcrumbs when they are inputting metadata (see below). Is that too subtle? We want to make this process as efficient for you and your users as possible, without leaving you confused as to how you got somewhere.
from the image in the link - looks good. I am assuming if there are templates there then the site wants them used. If there are no templates defined what would happen? Just skip the pick a template screen? I want to make sure the user doesn't get trapped in not being able to upload something.
Joe, Meredith and Alasdair - Please also check out the above proposed design change. Please let us know if you have any feedback as well. Thanks!
Hi Lynda. Thank you for your feedback. We've are planning to remove default templates completely. Because the default template is not editable/configurable and it seems admins are going out of their way to prevent users from using it (i.e. adding descriptions of "Do Not Use"), it seems like it's an added complexity that is not necessary.
Removing it necessitates new designs and thinking through the UX of an user not having a template created at all, so wanted to get your feedback on it. Please see below link and let us know what you think!