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Payment Gateway Options: Radar Stripe rules modification (payments)

Hi team,

I hope you are doing great.

An update is requested in PRISA in the payment system so that Stripe Radar fraud prevention is applied only on the first purchases, and not on monthly subscription renewals. A solution has been found in Stripe's documentation that allows achieving this objective through the parameter radar_options['skip_rules'] with a value of ['all'] in the request parameters when creating charges or PaymentIntents. This will allow monthly subscription renewals to avoid evaluation of the Radar rules.

The following example is provided to create a charge that will not be evaluated by the Radar rules:

1curl <> \\\\\\\\ 2 -u "sk_test_51L8gxBIsBYonw1YrPNu...G3hZwg5j0v007ngrCPsRsk_test_51L8gxBIsBYonw1YrPNuwgoWQ9eO3DMWFImBZKjO7HpqEeX1fdJuOOULb8GNYR5yWBQlLhyO1bnXWQ8G3hZwg5j0v007ngrCPsR:" \\\\\\\\ 3 -d amount=2000 \\\\\\\\ 4 -d currency=usd \\\\\\\\ 5 -d source=tok_mastercard \\\\\\\\ 6 -d "radar_options[skip_rules][]"=all 78

An example of how to create a PaymentIntent that indicates that any authentication or charge attempt should not be evaluated by the Radar rules:

1curl <> \\\\\\\\ 2 -u "sk_test_51L8gxBIsBYonw1YrPNu...G3hZwg5j0v007ngrCPsRsk_test_51L8gxBIsBYonw1YrPNuwgoWQ9eO3DMWFImBZKjO7HpqEeX1fdJuOOULb8GNYR5yWBQlLhyO1bnXWQ8G3hZwg5j0v007ngrCPsR:" \\\\\\\\ 3 -d amount=2000 \\\\\\\\ 4 -d currency=usd \\\\\\\\ 5 -d "payment_method_types[]"=card \\\\\\\\ 6 -d "radar_options[skip_rules][]"=all 78

It would be appreciated if these changes were implemented in the payment system to ensure that monthly subscription renewals are not evaluated by Stripe's Radar rules.

Thanks in advance.

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      Ryan Gladstone commented
      May 18, 2023 19:48

      Thanks for the suggestion! We are starting work on this and will provide guidance next week on when the feature can be shipped to production.