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Auth & Security: Logout from the active devices option when reaching active sessions limit

Hello guys,

We want to set a limited number of Active Sessions Allowed, right now, in production, we have unlimited sessions and this is affecting us.

We have tried setting the number of Active Sessions Allowed to 2, to test what happens when a 3rd session comes in. We have seen that the session is not allowed and that there is an error message, which is great.

My question is: what's next? I mean, we can show a popup to the user or something like that saying "hey, you have reached the limit of active sessions allowed" but I think we can't offer a "solution" to that user. I mean: maybe the user is in a hurry, need to login in a new device but doesn't have access to the devices with active sessions to logout. So we don't have a solution for this user, something like: "logout from the active devices" so the user is able to login in the new device.

I don't know if today is possible to do something like this since the only option we have is to show the error message to the user and let him/her find the way to logout from other device with an active session, to be able to login in a new device.

  • Carlos Fernández
  • May 26 2021
  • Already exists
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    • Carlos Fernández commented
      June 08, 2021 17:11

      Hi Jessica, you are right, I just realized about it after I created this idea. However, is it possible to have an option like "remove all the other active sessions"?

    • Admin
      Jessica Cavallo commented
      June 08, 2021 16:40

      Carlos, The current functionality removes the oldest session that is logged in so the user does not need to access that device to use their current one. You can find more details on this under the "Device Limit & Active Sessions" section in ALC.