Ideas for Arc XP

Gallery to reflect status of a child image got unpublished

I want Content API to return only publishable images of a gallery.

To reproduce the gallery that includes unpublished images,

  • Create a new gallery and add 3 images: image#1, image#2, image#3.

  • Publish the gallery.

  • After publishing the gallery, unpublish image#1.

  • Update a distributor of image#2 to be a restricted distributor (with Website Restrictions).

  • Delete image#3 itself.

After the procedure above, through Content API, we should see the unpublished images still included in `content_elements` of the gallery. At that moment, the `additional_properties.published` fields of the unpublished images remain `true` so it would be impossible to know the latest status of the images. I think this leads to unpublished images continuing to be public.

I noticed the unpublished images in the gallery get non-fetchable once the gallery is unpublished and re-published. However, I imagine it would be difficult to operate a workflow to detect all the galleries whose image gets unpublished and then unpublish/re-publish the gallery. I would really appreciate it if the workflow were supported by the platform or galleries automatically get up-to-date.

Thank you for the consideration.

  • Daiki Takahashi
  • Feb 26 2024
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Ryan Gladstone commented
    03 Jun 10:30

    Thanks for this suggestion, I can see how that would be challenging to work with. We'll take a look at this workflow.