Ideas for Arc XP

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Add a field in Ellipsis to configure URL string

In Ellipsis, we have repurposed the "SEO keywords" field and set up our Canonical URL service to pull the URL string from there if it is populated.  (domain . primary_site_section - SEO_keywords else Basic_Headline - First_Pub_Date.html) This allows us to customize more SEO-friendly URLs and increase traffic dramatically.

However, the "SEO Keywords" field is not ideal for this purpose because:

  1. It is not editable
  2. An errant space or unaccepted character can cause the string to break
  3. It means we can't use SEO Keywords for other tagging or metadata we would like to use
  4. It isn't intuitive to users and you can't relabel the field

Please introduce a new field that is specifically to be used for the purposes of customizing a URL.  

  • Jessica Parks
  • Jun 12 2019
  • Future consideration
Composer / ANS / URL
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    • Britton Peele commented
      August 05, 2022 21:57

      Hey folks, have there been any updates on this since 2019? It's still a very highly requested feature in our newsroom, and I'm positive we aren't alone.

    • Jessica Parks commented
      August 08, 2019 16:02

      This is one of the most highly requested Feature Requests you have.  Every client would use this on virtually every story.  It may be a difficult change to make, but the scope of the benefit would be huge.  


    • Deleted User commented
      August 05, 2019 20:11

      Thanks, Sylvia! I've merged SB-I-82 with this idea.

      After internal talks, we decided that this feature would raise many technical considerations. We cannot commit to this feature request now, but we will revisit it in the future.

    • Sylvia Borowski commented
      July 10, 2019 20:07

      Hi Arc team, this relates to Are there any updates since June 21?

    • Alasdair McKie commented
      June 20, 2019 04:09

      I feel like this speaks to a more general need for more options to set arbitrary metadata in Ellipsis. We have ended up tying a ton of functionality to reserved SEO keywords because it's one of the only places you can actually put bespoke metadata on an article in Ellipsis.