Ideas for Arc XP

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Composer/Ellipsis: Decouple permissions for First Publish and Ability to add sections to a story

In our workflow, we want to prevent reporters (journalist role) from being able to do first publish of a story on the web, but do want them to be able to define the web site sections in which a story should appear.  We cannot impoement this, as the First Publish and Add Site Section permissions are bundled. As a result, editors have to add the site sections (as they DO need to have first publish capability.

If these two permissions could be decoupled, we would be able to allow Reporters to add site sections but NOT be able to first publish stories.



  • Ian Krantz
  • Aug 13 2019
  • Planned
Categories User Workflow
  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Ryan Gladstone commented
      November 25, 2019 22:54

      This work is underway and is targeting Q1 2020 for delivery.



    • Admin
      Ryan Gladstone commented
      August 17, 2019 01:45

      Hi Ian -- We will implement this feature, which we call Circulate. We don't have a firm roadmap date but it is a key goal later this year or early next.
