Ideas for Arc XP

The bar to add a content element does not contain the option to add a paragraph

As a user, when I'm in the body of a story I'm composing, I can add any content element or custom embed via the horizontal bar except for a new paragraph.

It is the only content element not present in that horizontal bar. It would be good for consistency purpose and ease of use by user that the addition of a paragraph can be done via this bar.

See attached picture.

  • Guillaume Lefebvre
  • May 5 2020
  • Needs more information
Categories Layout
  • Attach files
  • Phil Dautrebande commented
    12 May, 2020 04:21pm

    Hi Lawrence,
    Thx for your reply. Unfortunately, it's not as user friendly as you describe it, I'm afraid.

    If you're in the situation of writing a story, if you insert a content element at the end of the body, it's not so obvious that you can insert text below it. See attached: I clicked under the content element and I just see the row of icons. If I try to type something, nothing's happening.

    If I try to take the Paragraph content element from the right side bar and insert it after the last content element, I never see the + icon in the dragged-and-dropped paragraph that would allow me to insert a paragraph.

    Maybe I'm not doing it right, if so, please don't hesitate to show me how to do it the proper way.


  • Admin
    Lawrence Tsai commented
    12 May, 2020 04:05pm

    Hi Guillaume - thank you for the idea submission! So we do not add paragraph as a content element, because it is essentially the "default" content element. All you have to do to start a new paragraph is to click below a content element that you have added in the body. Then the cursor will populate signaling you are starting a new paragraph. Does that meet your use case?
