Ideas for Arc XP

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As a user, I would like to use element groups & subtypes in Ellipsis

User Story:

As a reporter, I would like to be able to assign content elements to an ANS element group within the story-creation UI, so that I/a developer can control aspects of those elements' layout in PB features.

As a reporter, I would like to be able to assign content elements to particular ANS subtypes within the Ellipsis UI, in order to help developers know how to visually treat a particular element.

Use case:

A design calls for the ability for an editor to distinguish a text element as an "infobox". The editorial user would like to place several text elements in an ANS element group within the Ellipsis UI and give that element group a particular subtype; then, a developer can use the subtype to determine how to display the elements in the article rendering. 

Feature request:

Implement a way for an editorial user to use the ANS element_group and subtype fields within the Ellipsis UI. These fields are already in the ANS schema and as such we should support them in the UI.


This is a feature request on behalf of Madsack and their site development firm, Jambit.

  • Guest
  • Apr 30 2018
  • Planned
Categories User Workflow, Layout
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    • Jessica Parks commented
      April 25, 2019 16:33

      Can we get an ETA on this?  We're working on some new features for which this would be extraordinarily useful.  If this is coming soon, it would change the whole course of how we approach development of these new features.  

    • Deleted User commented
      August 10, 2018 14:43

      This is planned for near-term development. It is logged as SB-E-95 in Aha.