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Meta Description Field - Auto Correct Standard Keyboard Strokes


• Problem: Unlike the other fields in Arc, Composer does not “auto-correct” the standard " and ' to curly quotation marks” “ and an apostrophe ‘ . You can actually see even Outlook and word doing this as you type them. It’s quick, but give it a try. Type the same punctuation in let’s say the body field in Composer tab vs. the Description field and it won't autocorrect

• For our newsroom to be more efficient, we also use this field in customer-facing UI on the site (as dek, or teasers in promo blocks).

Expected Results
Expected: Like any other text field in which you can enter text in Arc, we expect the system to auto-correct the standard keyboard strokes to quotation marks and apostrophes within any text field that can potentially be rendered on the front end, so that the intended typography renders for our readers.

Actual Results
Thus, when the description renders to readers, the typography is incorrect.

Steps to Reproduce
Try to type a quote mark or apostrophe in the Description field on the Meta tab in Composer. The system does not auto correct the standard keystrokes to curly quotations marks etc.

  • Guest
  • Nov 10 2022
  • Future consideration
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