Ideas for Arc XP

Adding fields to have a custom Heading and Sub-Heading for the Print version of the stories (that will be send in print edition of the news paper)

Adding fields to have a custom Heading and Sub-Heading for the Print version of the stories (that will be send in print edition of the news paper)

Concretely :

In Composer > tab ‘Compose’ > ‘View Headlines’.

Could you please add these 2 following labels as such:

NEW Label

EN: Print title
FR: Titre Print

EN : Print sub-headline
FR : Sous-titre Print

  • Jean-Philippe van den Hove
  • Jun 6 2023
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Jenny Czaja commented
    June 09, 2023 19:18

    Thank you for submitting this! Right now the headline field names are not customizable, but this is something we can look into for the future. Currently we do not offer the option for multiple subheadlines. In the meanwhile, you can repurpose any of the available alternate headlines slots to be captured for print versions, so long as your development team arranges for your print system to look for your chosen headline field. I hope this helps in the meanwhile.