Ideas for Arc XP

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Add article headline or title to browser tab, instead of just "Composer"

In Composer, when I have multiple tabs open, it's unclear what story is what in my browser tabs. It also adds the version number of Composer to it, but doesn't specifically say what article I'm working with.

The main Composer area that lists all of the stories also has "Composer" and the version number in the browser tab text. This makes it confusing on which is a story or the main Composer area.

In Video Center, for example, when I open a video, it has a format like, "Title of video I'm working with - Video Center" in the browser tab. Can the same be done when working in Composer?


  • Troy Blevins
  • Sep 13 2019
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    • Troy Blevins commented
      March 20, 2020 17:39

      Thank you for clarifying! Appreciate the update.


    • Admin
      Lawrence Tsai commented
      March 19, 2020 13:48

      Hi Troy, that makes sense. So if we provide headline first, the tabs will be wide enough in their window for your users to distinguish between stories. In that case, final requirements are as such:

      headline - Composer (v. xxxxxxx) | story - with headline

      New Story - Composer (v. xxxxxxx) | story - new story

      Composer (v. xxxxxxx) | story - if headline is set to not being mandatory to save


    • Troy Blevins commented
      March 18, 2020 19:23

      Hi again!

      To keep things consistent with Video Center, which is currently using "TITLE - Video Center" in its tabs, I think having the title of the headline/article display first in the tab title is important so we can quickly, at a glance, see what article we are currently working with. I'm hoping Composer could match with this text layout in the tab as well (TITLE - Composer (v.######).

      If having the version number in the Composer number while working within an article is too complicated, then I think it could be just on the main Composer screen while searching for stories.

      I find having the version number helpful for when I'm working within our Prod and Sandbox environments and determining what features/fixes may be in based on the current environment.


    • Admin
      Lawrence Tsai commented
      March 17, 2020 20:07

      Hi Troy - thanks for the additional feedback! We agree that we can remove the version number for the story tabs. The reason we were hesitant to remove that completely, is because it is the only way as a user you know the version number you are in for Composer. But with it available for search, setting, templates, it should be fine.

      As far as changing the order, I'd still like to keep the structure of the tabs consistent. Which means keeping it like so: "Composer | story - headline". Our assumption is that any user will have a number of tabs open for each window, so seeing the necessary amount of information will still require a user to hover over the tab, even if the headline comes first. Please let me know if that works for you.


    • Troy Blevins commented
      March 17, 2020 17:33

      Hi Lawrence,

      Thanks for the update! However, I'm wondering if that could be reversed, so the tab title is "Headline | Composer (v. xxxxxxx)" instead? The headline should be the first part of the text that appears on the article itself, rather than the Composer number.

      The story also doesn't necessarily need to have the Composer version. The main search part of Composer could have this version number, but the tabs that have stories open should focus on the headline/title of the story more.

      I hope that clarifies what was asked here.

      So if you're in the Search/main dashboard area of Composer, you would see: "Composer (v.######) | search"

      If you're editing a story in Composer, the tab would be "Headline | Composer (v.######)"


    • Admin
      Lawrence Tsai commented
      March 16, 2020 16:05

      Hi Lynda - we are working on this in the current sprint. Our goal is to finish it this sprint and it will be in your sandbox 4/1.

      This the requirement we are implementing:

      When I have a story open, the tab should say “Composer (v. xxxxxxx) | story - headline” on hover over of the tab

    • Lynda Finley commented
      March 16, 2020 15:19

      any update on when this is planned to be delivered?

    • Troy Blevins commented
      March 05, 2020 22:44

      Hi there! I'm curious if it's possible to keep the version number of Composer in the main screen (where you see the list of stories and content), but then on an article I'm working on, it doesn't necessarily need the version number.

      So on the main screen (at /composer/search), the tab could have "Composer (v.######) | search" where the numbers is what the current version number is for that environment, and then on an article (at /composer/story), it's just the title. If the version number has to be in both, I would just add it to the end of the article title.

      If you just started a new story, it could be just the same as on the search screen, with "Composer" and the version number in parenthesis.

      Hope this helps!

    • Admin
      Lawrence Tsai commented
      March 05, 2020 20:00

      Hi thank you for the idea input. 1 question - is ability to view the version number of Composer via the tab a need? Thanks!