Ideas for Arc XP

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As a journalist or editor, I should be able to do advanced search on wires.

Currently, filters that are possible in WebSked or Composer regarding the wires are not enough wrt the current capabilities used by the newsroom.

You'll find here after the different capabilities expected:

  • I am able to define and save a filter. Once I apply a saved filter, results show up. The result list is updated in real-time any time a new wire corresponding to the filter gets imported in Arc

  • I can search on a specific day or over a period of time. I can also search on a relative period (ie "since x minutes/hours/days)

  • I can search in one screen wires of any type (text only, picture only or mix)

  • I can search on one or many agencies at a time

  • I can search on one or many categories of wires. Note: wires bear an information called 'Category' that enables their sorting. Categories are a static list

  • I can search on any metadata existing in the data model (cf. ANS format) - especially priority

  • I can filter on languages. Note: Belgium is a multi-lingual country and we receive wires both in French and Flemish; German could also be possible

  • I can filter based on an full-text search words present in the title, body and metadata or oppositely, words that are NOT present in the title, body and metadata.

  • I can filter on priority
  • I can "test" my query thanks to a specific call2action button. The result of the action is that I can see the number of results of my query. It allows me to decide my filters are sufficiently specific

  • I can configure the maximum number of results I want to see and I can sort by date, title, type, agency (aka distributor), category, priority

  • Once a filter is selected, the result screen/list shows up. It is a dynamic result screen that refreshes each time a new wire corresponding to filter criteria is uploaded in Arc

  • I can setup alerts: an alert is configured according to same criteria as search filters. The difference is that when a wire corresponds to an alert, a notification is sent or a pop-up appears on user screen (preferred option: Slack direct message to the user)

  • In the result screen, I see the list of results corresponding to my search. I can see wire date, title, type, agency, category and priority. Each wire is presented over 1 single line to maximize the number of wires presented (on half laptop screen, I can read 25 wires)

    • When I click once on a result, then I see a preview of the wire (I can read the text or image and see related metadata).

    • When I double-click, it opens the wire in the text editor

  • It would be interesting for users to know when a wire has been converted into a story published/to be published
  • Guillaume Lefebvre
  • Feb 13 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      August 01, 2024 20:50

      Hello Guillaume,

      This idea has been on my radar for quite some time as we make improvements to WebSked's List View page. For content that is in Arc as ANS, we are including many of the recommendations you have:

      • Define, save, prioritize and share Saved Searches, which include how you have filtered and sorted the content

      • Search for content by relative periods (ie "since x minutes/hours/days) and save those as Saved Searches

      • Filtering on more metadata fields including language

      • Dynamic results where new content automatically shows up in your results list as it becomes available in Arc as ANS

      I appreciate that these improvements do not apply to wires as they are coming into Arc but are not yet saved as ANS. There are still quite a few roadblocks to being able to makes this happen:

      1. The wire in question would need to contain the fields being requested. (since not all wires are the same there would be differences in what is possible)

      2. The wire mappings from provider format to ANS would need to include all of the relevant fields.

      3. Frontend experience to provide all of the search faceting, filtering, alerting etc.

      So unfortunately, this is a much heavier lift than we are poised to take on and is outside of WebSked's capabilities. Nevertheless, I've let the Content Import team know about these requests so as they develop more tools for managing incoming wires, they are aware of your use cases. I'm going to keep this idea open to capture any other use cases that customers have.

      Thank you again for submitting this and for providing so much detail.

      Stuart Ridgway
      Sr. Product Manager for WebSked

    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      March 30, 2023 17:20

      Hi all,

      Thank you for your patience and for taking the time to pull these features together. There is a large effort underway to improve searching across Arc so I continue to pull together use cases like these.

      I do have a few questions:

      • What do you mean by "sort by priority?" How do you relate priority to a Wire?

      • What criteria would you use to assess a Wire to then get notified by Slack? Would you walk me thru an example?

      Thank you in advance!
      Sr. Product Manager for WebSked

    • Guillaume Lefebvre commented
      February 21, 2020 07:00

      Hi Ryan,

      I made some slight changes/additions after discussing with the users in order to be complete. Some of the features are indeed already present but I wanted the idea to be a thorough description of what we need.

    • Admin
      Ryan Gladstone commented
      February 19, 2020 16:19

      Hi Guillaume -- thanks for all the great feature requests. We'll review these with the team for future consideration.

      I did want to highlight that the following capabilities currently exist. Please let us know if there's a gap in your view in the implementation.

      • I am able to define and save a filter. Once I apply a saved filter, results show up

      • I can search on a specific day or over a period of time. I can also search on a relative period (ie "since x minutes/hours/days)

      • I can search on one or many agencies at a time