Ideas for Arc XP

Auto-Refresh Stories in WebSked

As an Editor, I want stories to auto-refresh rather than requiring a manual refresh so that I don't lose sight of significant stories landing for publication. With our volume of stories ingesting and publishing through the system, manual refresh isn't practical.

  • Julia Glover
  • Nov 12 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    17 May, 2022 06:03pm

    Thank you all for your feedback on this -- I know it's a long time coming. We are currently in the process of considering multiple options on this, since we would need to make it optional.

    I'm afraid it may be a bit longer before we have a solution on this. Nevertheless, feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions.


  • Guillaume Lefebvre commented
    8 Dec, 2020 07:03pm

    This is key for print publishing indeed !

  • Frank Tantillo commented
    12 Nov, 2020 03:08pm

    Yes!! This is crucial for real-time monitoring of incoming stories. Constant refreshing is an RSI risk.

  • Eric Martyn commented
    12 Nov, 2020 03:06pm

    This is key. I need a dynamically updating story list to keep up to date on the flow of stories