Ideas for Arc XP

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Clip from Live Recording Inheritance

Our video workflow across a multi-site environment is such that our video streams to MediaPackage inputs as DVR only channels. Live Events recordings on a schedule are created with the specific website for each of the multi-sites and a section which is blocked from indexing so those events are not discoverable and displayed on a live section page. In our case, the section is /video/vod-recording. Eg. Live Event with primary website wxxx and section /video/vod-recording.

When clips are created from those recordings the inheritance of meta data from the recording is set into motion and that includes the website and section from the live event. Too often our individual websites will inadvertently forget to change the section for the clip they are creating. The result then publishes the clip to the /video/vod-recording section for that website which is not a public section on any of the websites.

We would like a different workflow whereby creating a clip from a Live Event recording does not inherit the website and section and instead requires a new site and section to be set at publish.

We are aware there are default setting for Clip from Live Recording in the Server Configurations - Default Values section of Utilities. However, this sets the website and section across all multi-site properties.

We optionally could use a workflow where we instead have distinct website defaults in the Clipped Live Video Defaults settings.

  • Clay McNeill
  • May 5 2022
  • Future consideration
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