Ideas for Arc XP

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Upgrade to React 17

Currently Fusion uses React 16.12.0 which was released in November 2019. It would be awesome if it gets upgraded to React 17 as it provides more stability and increases performance. Also, React 16 to 17 was a non-breaking upgrade.

  • Tom Sacher
  • Jun 4 2021
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      Fatih Yildiz commented
      July 26, 2021 16:17

      Hi Tom,

      PageBuilder Engine 3.0 is released to Sandbox on July 22 includes upgrades to React 17. Engine 3.0 will be available for production starting Aug 5.

    • Tom Sacher commented
      June 08, 2021 20:14

      Well, there broke the input field. Anyway, it would be pretty awesome if you could provide such a RoadMap :)

    • Tom Sacher commented
      June 08, 2021 20:13

      Thanks Luke. Do you have any kind of RoadMap which we can see? I'd be also interested in the dates for a Node upgrade to v14 or v16 and WebPack 5. WOuWwW

    • Luke Mason commented
      June 08, 2021 19:31

      Thanks Tom, we are planning this upgrade in our next major release of the fusion engine which should be expected in the next few months.