I know it's been a point to have all the GMG stations' pictures/videos/etc together in Arc, however, it makes our picture and video collections feel unorganized (to me) and I don't see it being very beneficial to have pictures/videos available from the other stations. Specifically, when we want to add videos to articles -- for example, right after the noon newscast -- I'm sifting through videos from all the other stations instead of just having the most recent WDIV videos to click on right at the top. That might not seem like a big issue, but the ease of work flow is extremely important to many of us as we publish so many articles a day. We would at least like to have an option to filter everything to "WDIV" and have that filter saved the default so we don't have to check the box or do a drop-down every time we search for an image/video. Thank you!!
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