Ideas for Arc XP

As an admin, I want to be able to force the journalist/editor to execute the proofreader before enabling the publishing of a story

Current situation: ProLexis proofreader has been integrated in Composer and can be called by the journalist/editor after he composed his/her story. Yet, there is no constraint to force him/her to call the proofreader before publishing.

Wished situation: We would like to force the proofreader to review any story before it gets published (or an update of the story gets published). As an admin, I should be entitled to choose whether to enforce this rule or not, based on parameter settings in Composer.

I see 2 options of implementation:

  1. The rule is defined in Composer parameter settings to ask for proofreader review before publishing. Then it means that so long as the proofreader has not been executed for a given version of a story then the version cannot be published (and 'Publish' call2action button remains in light green and cannot be clicked)

  2. When the user pushed the 'Publish' call2action button, the proofreader is automatically called by Composer to review the story and only after the end of the review process, the corrected version is published.

  • Guillaume Lefebvre
  • Oct 6 2020
  • Future consideration
Categories New Functionality
  • Attach files