Ideas for Arc XP

Allow "Lead Art" elements that can be rich media

Oftentimes, editors will want to feature a video or a gallery as the "Lead Art" of a story.

Lead art, in this case, is not the same thing as what is referred to as a featured image within Ellipsis. A featured image has the following restrictions:

  1. It can only be an image.
  2. It is primarily used for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, etc, and for that it works quite well.
  3. When a story is linked on the homepage, the Front End places the Featured Image as the story's main image.
  4. In the ANS, this comes out to be promo_items.basic

However, sometimes editors will have a gallery or a video they would like to accompany the art instead of a static image.


In this idea, I propose:

  • Adding an item to promo_items called promo_items.lead_art. This would be in addition to promo_items.basic, which would now be exclusively used as the share image.
  • A promo_item.lead_art could be any of the following:
    • Video
    • Gallery
    • Image
    • Raw HTML embed (somewhat dangerous, but I do know the need for this is out there)


Users would need to be able to use Ellipsis to either select a video from Goldfish, an image or gallery from Anglerfish, or insert custom HTML (such as a Youtube Video embed) that would populate the ANS's promo_items.lead_art spot.


Please talk to Matt Nelson, who can point to some projects in which we have implemented this solution. The need revolves around the Ellipsis UI for it.

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  • Feb 8 2018
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  • Deleted User commented
    30 Nov, 2018 04:44pm

    In Ellipsis 1.8, we added the ability to add rich media (galleries, videos, and HTML) and configure arbitrary key types such as "lead_art."