When you attach an image as lead art in Ellipsis, Ellipsis gives you shortcuts to open that image directly in Anglerfish. But if your lead art is a photo gallery or a video, there is no quick button. Instead, you have to open Anglerfish or Goldfish, and search for the correct gallery or video. This is not only inefficient, but could also be problematic if there are two versions of a gallery or video, and you can't tell which one is the one attached in Ellipsis.
Categories | User Workflow |
Hi there, the ability to open galleries and videos that have been added as featured media (in their respective apps) was implemented with the release of Composer 2.0.
Hi Jessica - just following up on this: "After saving the edits in the photo or video center modal, we would want the edits to carry over into Composer (i.e. not have to delete and re-attach the featured media)."
Would you want the edits to also carry over (and replace) the fields you've overwritten in Composer?
We are looking to add Vanity Credit and Vanity Photograph in featured media image.
The primary use case for this would be when the user wants to make an edit to the featured video or photo gallery.
After saving the edits in the photo or video center modal, we would want the edits to carry over into Composer (i.e. not have to delete and re-attach the featured media).
This is different from overriding the data for this featured media because some of the data (i.e. photographer credit) cannot be overridden from Composer, and because some errors should be fixed globally.
Hi all -
Thanks for the idea! I want to confirm the use case for opening the gallery and featured video in Photo and Video Center (after the gallery and video is added):
Is the use case that you want to verify that you've selected the right image, gallery and/or featured media (if there are two versions of the same gallery)?
How are you verifying?
Are users making any edits when going back to Photo or Video Center, and hoping said edits persist when they return to featured media edit?
How is this use case differentiated from just overriding the data for this featured media content?