Ideas for Arc XP

Make Ellipsis interface mobile-responsive

Many reporters and editors need to be able to work on articles from their phones -- filing a story from a press event, editing from home, making minor corrections from the train, etc.  Websked and Anglerfish work fairly well on mobile devices, but Ellipsis does not. 

This is critical functionality that almost everyone in our newsroom would use.  

  • Jessica Parks
  • Nov 30 2018
  • Will not implement
Categories Layout
  • Feb 20, 2019

    Admin response

    We plan to add some Ellipsis features such as uploading a photo to a story available on mobile.

  • Attach files
  • Jessica Parks commented
    8 Sep, 2020 03:11pm

    Anais, is your response posted on the wrong idea? This request is not related to the Broadcast app.

  • Anais Felt commented
    3 Sep, 2020 03:55pm

    Hi Ian,

    We are in the prototyping phase of adding to the Broadcast app write, edit, publish, and un-publish an article in addition to upload a photo. This is on our short term roadmap.


    Anais Felt (

  • Ian Krantz commented
    3 Sep, 2020 03:39pm

    Hi Folks,

    Any update on this. It's been a year and a half since the above Admin Response, and I do not know that any action has been taken. We again got a request on this from one of our editors, and I can't imagine any Arc Customer/Partner not seeing this as a key feature missing from the Arc Platform, regardless of whether they are a print/online or broadcast organization.

    Where is this in the current Roadmap? Is there an ETA on this or should we give up hope and look elsewhere for a solution/workaround?


    Ian Krantz

    The Philadelphia Inquirer

  • Bonnie Mou commented
    14 Mar, 2019 04:22pm

    Please make ellipsis more mobile friendly as:

    1. We are so used to work on our mobile like writing emails, for a reporter on the go it is a very friendly feature.
    2. Photographers already carrying a lot of equipments, an extra laptop is just too much.
  • Ian Krantz commented
    11 Mar, 2019 04:40pm


    Could you provide further detail on what features are needed to make Ellipsis usable on Mobile devices?  )which means iOS and Android Smartphones as well as Tablets.)   Could Product then respond to those specific requirements?




    Ian Krantz