Ideas for Arc XP

Authors set to inactive should not appear in the Ellipsis author dropdown

We have authors that are deceased or no longer working in the company that we do not want to appear in the drop down list.


We still want them in the system since old stories need to be associated with them, but inactive would only affect the Ellipsis and Anglerfish dropdown.

  • Guest
  • Oct 19 2018
  • Future consideration
Categories Editor, New Functionality
  • Attach files
  • Lynda Finley commented
    24 Oct 02:07pm

    Any update on this?

    It also causes an issue when the author name changes or the role changes - we can't change the current author data because that will be reflected on all the old stories. Authors should not be a dynamicallly updated field on the story when launched. For example, a person worked as an intern or freelancer and has that author profile. Now the person has been hired as full-time staff. We can't change the staff designation on the current author because then all the old articles will have a staff designation, which is not true. If we create a new profile for the new role then they both show up in the author list when typing their name and inevitably the wrong one gets chosen.

  • Brian McAlister commented
    22 Mar, 2023 07:54pm

    Checking to see if this is on a roadmap yet. Any updates? Thanks in advance

  • Jenny Czaja commented
    1 Jul, 2022 02:15pm

    Hi all, this work is still planned but unfortunately had to be put on hold for some API updates to support this functionality. We're moving through our backlog and I hope to get this update out in the months ahead. Thank you for checking in.

  • Lynda Finley commented
    21 Jun, 2022 09:27pm

    Is there an update on this? Still Planned?

  • Troy Blevins commented
    26 Feb, 2021 11:39pm

    Hi there,

    Is there an update on this Arc Idea? I see it's currently in the "Planned" status. We're hoping to not see authors set as Inactive in dropdowns when searching in the main Composer search screen, or when adding authors on an article.

    SB-I-285, which is similar to this request and a newer Arc Idea, is set to "Future Consideration."

    I was going to file my own separate Arc Idea about this request, but I'd like to track progress on this via this one. This is an issue we come across often, including if you create a duplicate author accidentally and set the other one as Inactive. It's unclear which one to use from the recommendations in the dropdown.


  • Deleted User commented
    7 Jan, 2019 11:40pm

    Thanks for raising this! I've added this to the backlog to be slotted in for work.