Ideas for Arc XP

Allow a way to disable sections from the hierarchy without stranding old data assigned to those sections

Occasionally, we need to 'remove' a section from a site service Ellipsis hierarchy because we no longer want folks filing articles to it in Ellipsis. However, the articles that are assigned to it will still exist. Removing the section from the hierarchy would make those articles not easily searchable via the section selector, and even if found, those articles are missing the section data (at least in the admin), thus making it look like they're no longer part of a section.

Perhaps we can make sections 'active' and 'inactive' while disallowing writers to add articles to deactivated sections. There are a number of ways to address this but right now there's no elegant way of removing a section from the hierarchy without stranding old data for search and updating.

  • Guest
  • Oct 23 2018
  • Future consideration
Categories User Workflow
  • Attach files
  • Stephanie Clark commented
    16 Nov, 2018 08:56pm

    Yes.  Must be able to remove old site nodes!