Ideas for Arc XP

Configurable image sizes/widths for standard themes blocks, for developers

Themes blocks are very flexible, but we also see that they are designed to be used i specific positions in the standard layouts from themes. We have a situation where we have designed our sites to use the standard blocks (especiallty XL and LG ) in the fullwidh column instead of the main column , which is narrower. Doing this has lead to pixalated images, since the images are optimized for the main column width.
We suggest making the sizes configurable for developers.

We have found that the file contains the hardcoded sizes. These sizes are also listed blocks.json, but changing these settings there does not seem to changes the size.
We suggest to externalize these sizer, as well as the defaultratios and and possible aspectRatios into blocks.json or similar place.

This idea was also discussed with Neal Malkani.

const sizes = {

XL: {
options: [
{ kind: 'small', width: 400 },
{ kind: 'medium', width: 600 },
{ kind: 'large', width: 800 },
defaultRatio: '4:3',
LG: {
options: [
{ kind: 'small', width: 274 },
{ kind: 'medium', width: 274 },
{ kind: 'large', width: 377 },
defaultRatio: '4:3',
MD: {
options: [
{ kind: 'small', width: 274 },
{ kind: 'medium', width: 274 },
{ kind: 'large', width: 400 },
defaultRatio: '16:9',
SM: {
options: [
{ kind: 'small', width: 274 },
{ kind: 'medium', width: 274 },
{ kind: 'large', width: 400 },
defaultRatio: '3:2',
const ratios = {
'4:3': 0.75,
'3:2': 0.6668,
'16:9': 0.5625,
  • Arnstein Andreassen
  • Mar 25 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Natalie Mugavero commented
    October 12, 2021 14:53
  • Admin
    Sara Carothers commented
    March 30, 2021 19:21

    Thanks for this feedback. We understand the underlying problem where the images are sometimes smaller than the space they're placed in. We'll investigate possible solutions – it may not be the exact solution you suggest but we'll consider that as input.