Ideas for Arc XP

Smaller images that are left/right aligned

When adding images in the story body, the image will always swell to take up the full width of the story (at least using Themes). This is usually fine if the image is in landscape format, but any images in portrait format becomes huge - which means it's almost impossible to use portrait format images within the story.

This might also be a problem if the image has a low resolution, where we might want to show it in a smaller format.

We would like to be able to set the size of the image when adding it to a story, and also to choose left or right alignment so the text floats around it.

  • Jakob Ihfongård
  • Sep 23 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jenae Cerovac commented
    August 10, 2021 19:34

    The ability to float images right/left within the article body is now available in Sandbox and will deploy to Production on 8/18.

  • Natalie Mugavero commented
    August 03, 2021 16:40

    @Sara - On the Composer side, is there documentation somewhere on the note you mentioned re setting images left or right align making them smaller than normal full-width size? That's quite an odd functionality that isn't expected.

  • Veslemoy Ostrem commented
    June 16, 2021 08:01

    Very much wanted!

  • Natalie Mugavero commented
    April 21, 2021 09:10

    Agree with this one! We also have a similar request on image alignment:

  • Admin
    Sara Carothers commented
    January 04, 2021 21:33

    Thanks for this feedback – on the Themes side, we will consider adding the ability to set images to align right or left, going off of the Composer controls you mentioned. (There is not the ability to set the size of the image specifically, but setting it to align left or right would make it smaller than normal full-width size).