Ideas for Arc XP

Bring back editing collections in the same window

Bring back the function that opened up a collection in the same window, other than in a new tab/window.

  • Ken Haddad
  • Sep 13 2022
  • Needs more information
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    9 Jan, 2023 05:41pm

    Thanks for clarifying, Ken. I really appreciate the feedback.

    I have to balance this with the request from other customers to open the additional tab that we implemented.

    i'm going to leave this idea open so others can chime in one way or the other.

    Thanks for your patience!

  • Ken Haddad commented
    28 Nov, 2022 05:39pm

    Yes, you nailed it.

  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    28 Nov, 2022 05:36pm

    Thanks for the update, Ken. So if I have this right, your steps used to be:

    1. Click the "Pitches" button to add a story to a Collection

    2. In the pop-up window with the list of Collections, click the "+" button to add the story to the specific Collection

    3. Click the name of that Collection to open it up in the same pop-up window

    4. Move the new story to the correct position in the Collection (critical step!)

    5. Click "Publish" which updates the Collection and also takes you back to the list of Collections

    6. Close the pop-up window

    With the update we made, I believe the extra step is during Step 5, you now have to close the new browser tab, is that right?

    Sorry if I'm being a bit pedantic, I just want to be sure I'm understanding the issue.


  • Ken Haddad commented
    19 Sep, 2022 05:57pm

    Hi Stuart -- we used to use the in-story collection in every story, to add to a page and then to rank it accordingly and publish, then exit. All in the same tab. So we've now added an extra step to our workflow.

  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    19 Sep, 2022 05:39pm

    Hi Cassidy,

    Thanks for the heads up. Can you give me a better understanding of when you typically need to edit a Collection during the add-to-Collection process? That would help me find a way to address the issue.

    Sr. Product Manger for WebSked

  • Cassidy Johncox commented
    13 Sep, 2022 08:59pm

    Seriously, please. The alternative stinks.