Ideas for Arc XP

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Allow type filtering of content in Collections

We would like to be able to have collections that only pull in Stories without Galleries or Videos by a section.

  • Matt Niedzielski
  • Jan 25 2023
  • Future consideration
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    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      April 17, 2023 15:39

      Got it. That's a really interesting case, Matt, thanks.

      I will include that as one of the use cases we need to consider.


    • Matt Niedzielski commented
      February 06, 2023 16:40

      Hello Stuart,

      Yes I am currently talking about the backfilling options for collections.

      We are only giving our users story content types. We are not promoting video or gallery content types by themselves. If an item is primarily a video or gallery we are including that as lead art to a story.
      With our use case we found the default collections backfill promoting videos and gallery items that got categorized within the same section as our story.

    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      February 06, 2023 16:22

      Hi Matt,

      Thanks for submitting this idea. Can you give me a little more detail? Are you referring to the "Dynamic Curation" where you auto-populate the backfill for the Collection based on Section or Tag?

      If so, we don't have an update for that at this time. However, I'm considering a long-term solution where we will give you much more control over what content you can choose for the backfill. Please let me know if you this is what you have in mind.

      As always, feel free to reach out to your TAM if you would like to discuss this further.

      Stuart Ridgway
      Sr. Product Manager for WebSked