Ideas for Arc XP

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Show up stories in collections made via query


When we started to work with collections made via query (for sections or tags), initially we discovered with certain perplexity that when a collection is configured in this way, no story is displayed when we open the collection itself (in fact, we thought that it was a bug).

Now we understand that only stories that are included manually in a collection are shown up. So far so good, but we think it could be a great improvement to show all the stories contained in a collection, whether if they are included manually or are automatically inserted via the relevant query. For example, in the case of mixed collections that include both types of stories, the manually included stories and the ones that automatically included could have a different visual presentation, in order to distinguish them (in fact, as the automatically included stories cannot be reordered a lock icon or something like this can be used for marking them).

Also, in this way, if the stories that are automatically included were present in the collection UI, we could use the feature for changing the title/subtitle/image in these images, an option that currently is not possible to take.

Thanks for your time!

  • Silvia Andres
  • Nov 4 2021
  • Future consideration
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    • Shannon Hanley commented
      March 06, 2024 17:59

      Agreed that this would be a great improvement! Being able to view the contents from directly within the collection in WebSked, rather than needing to view the page itself would be so helpful.

    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      May 22, 2023 22:26

      Hi Silvia,

      Thank you for your feedback. You're correct it would make a lot of sense to have the backfill included in the list of content in a Collection. I have that already has an improvement I'd like to make to Collections. It's not on the roadmap yet, but I have several improvements I'd like to make to Collections coming up.

      I also like your idea of being able to change the title/sub/image for content that is being automatically placed in a Collection. I need to work with the team to see the feasibility of doing so.

      In thet meantime please reach out to your TAM if you have any other recommendations.

      Thanks again!
      Sr. Product Manager for WebSked