Ideas for Arc XP

Feature CSS prefaces should be configurable

Sometimes it's undesirable to have have PageBuilder preface CSS rules. For example, the purpose of this CSS is top provide a default type face for the element (to avoid FOIT and FOUT) and then apply a custom font only after the font has been loaded:

.mastnav-top__item {
font-family: Helvetica;
html.font-Pratt-loaded .mastnav-top__item {
font-family: Pratt;

PB ends up producing this:

.pb-f-global-header-nav html.font-Pratt-loaded .mastnav-top__item { font-family:Pratt; }

...which obviously doesn't work.

It would be nice if, in the feature config.json, I could tell PB to not preface this css.

  • Greg MacGregor
  • Jan 18 2016
  • Will not implement
Categories Developer Workflow, Feature Configuration
I need it... Not sure—just thought it was cool!
  • Attach files
  • Greg MacGregor commented
    18 Jan, 2016 05:05pm

    Turns out I can achieve what I want with:

    .mastnav-top__item {
    width: 50%;
    font-family: Georgia;
    font-size: rem(16);
    html.font-Pratt-loaded _root .mastnav-top__item {
    font-family: Pratt;