Ideas for Arc XP

Resizer V2 fit option that doesn't fill


We're using Resizer V2 to resize a bunch of external images (not in Photo center, but hosted on our S3) that we need to resize in a way that they fit into a container of certain width and height, but the aspect ratio should be kept the same.

This means that if we have a landspace image with original resolution of 2000x1000 and we would want to fit it in the box of 200x200, we'd get back an image of 200x100. If we also had a portrait image of 1000x2000, and try to fit it in the same box, we'd get back an image of 100x200. So the longer side resizes to the box's limit an the smaller side resized to retain the aspect ratio.

There's currently fitfill=true option, we'd essentailly need the fit part of that.

P.S. I'm not sure I put this into the right workspace, so feel free to move it if there's a better one.

  • Goran Gligorin
  • Apr 16 2024
  • Needs more information
  • Attach files