Ideas for Arc XP

Permission to unschedule a story but not unpublish

We'd like for unschedule permissions and unpublish permissions to be separated. We would like to have the option of giving a category of users (eg, editors) the ability to unschedule a story that's been scheduled to go live in the future, without also needing to give them the ability to unpublish already live stories (which is a permission we keep to a fairly small group).

  • Emily Babay
  • Feb 22 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Brian McAlister commented
    23 Jan 21:26

    Bumping this request. With the move to Composer 2.0, we lose the ability for author-level to reschedule a story. Current workflow in an emergency is for an author to push their scheduled post far into the future and then ask a manager/site producer to unschedule it for them. This has been one of the major sticking points for those reporters who have opted not to use Composer 2.0 yet.

    This was discussed in March in ACS-29121.