Ideas for Arc XP

In Composer 2.0: Add Working Headline To Status Message When Adding Story To Collection

Hi there,

We're looking to see if the Working Headline for an article can be referenced in the status message that appears when adding a story to a collection.

Currently in Composer 2.0, the article ID displays in the status message. We would prefer for this to be the Working Headline, or at least a portion of it with it truncated in the event it's too long.

Attached is a screenshot of the status message I'm referring to when adding the story to a collection. I'm redacted some of the information just in case.


  • Troy Blevins
  • Apr 1 2024
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    30 Apr 15:52

    Hi Troy and Lynda,

    I'm sorry for my slow reply on this. I agree this makes sense. I've added a ticket for this to our backlog.
